Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Im Tagged by Zabeth

Actually, I have never touched my blog lately, only when I have finished layouts, but actually its pilling up already never got the chance to take pictures of it...

Well, thanks for Zabeth, tagging me will somehow perks my nerves up, you know to be back in blogging and blog-hopping as well.

Hmmm, who will be next then, anyways pls. read on:

Here are the rules:
1) Link back to the person who tagged you.
2) Post these rules on yout blog.
3) Share six unimportant things about yourself.

a. I collect best selling novels and authors, without reading it yet (N. Sparks, J.Grisham, J.R.Tokiens and Harry Potters' etc. etc.
b. I'm forgetful, every year I would lost my wallet and some important things;
c. I'm a two time C/S operated mom (hahaha-its not an excused of my being forgetful- I know)
d. My latest past-time aside from scrap booking is going to the gym.
e. I am a stage actress, I got the chance to perform in CCP back in my younger days.
f. 10 years ago my waistline was 22 (hahaha Zabeth - if i may change it ha)

4) Tag six people: Lee, Cabbie, Nita, Ella and Joyleen.

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